A Perspective from the Artist
It was a cool spring morning. The snow had only just melted, and the grass had not yet had a chance to green. I was walking the grounds of St. Louis Center to photograph nature, hope, and inspiration for the Children’s Homes in a landscape that had only just letgo of winter. I was there to photograph so we could create canvases for the walls of the new homes Saint Louis Center is opening.
The gardens were not ready. The flowers were not blooming, the brush from last fall had not been cleared, nor had the mulch been spread. It was too early in the season. But there was Mary with her outstretched arms welcoming me regardless. As a mother, I understand the beauty and the significance of open arms outstretched to welcome children home.
I continued to walk the grounds wondering, “Where can I find beauty stunning enough to delight the young children that will live in these homes?” I looked down at the colorful, vibrant tulips at my feet. The sunlight was shimmering on the petals when something small caught my eye.
“What is it?” I wondered. I knelt down, looking inside the tulip, only to discover a tiny, green tree frog.
Delighted with this display of God’s creation, I photographed the frog in the tulip with the heartfelt reminder that beauty is found in the most unexpected places. Never forget to look inside.
May God bless the children, and may they know their own beauty.
Thank you, Jan Lyons, for making this installation possible.
Michelle Massey Barnes