I love meeting people in our community that are going out of their way to make a difference. Meet Aubrey. She has pledged to donate 10 inches of hair to Wigs 4 Kids. I think that is such a meaningful, personal and heartfelt donation. I'm really touched. I know how hard it can be to cut off so much hair. We so easily get attached to the way we look. Unfortunately, I don't have 10 inches of hair to donate. My hair is shorter right now and it is layered. But I wanted to help too, so I am telling her story.
Do you have 10 inches of hair that you can donate? Get it cut with Aubrey on March 30 at Hair By Trios. When you donate 10 inches, there is no charge for your haircut and style. Here's the thing, in addition to the length requirement (10 inches), your hair cannot be dyed or permed.
As you can imagine, it is hard to find people that meet these requirements. But that doesn't mean that we all can't find a way to give. You can purchase Wigs 4 Kids stars at Hair By Trios. The stars are $1.00 each. Stop in anytime the salon is open or give them a call. It takes $800 to make one wig, but if we all come together, we can change one life.
It gets better. This is the part about beer. You are also invited to Wigs 4 Kids celebration at the Chelsea Alehouse on March 30, 2014 beginning at 5:30pm. You'll get to see Aubrey's new haircut, and you can make a donation to the cause. Not to mention, a portion of the Alehouse's sales will go directly to Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan.
I hope you find it in your heart to give to this cause. It gives children with cancer the chance to change the way they see themselves. It could make all the difference to a child in need of healing.
Best of luck to Aubrey and Hair by Trios. May your impact touch our community in many ways.
Hair by Trios is located at 112 E Middle Street, Suite 1F. You can call them at 734-433-9483 to set up a Wigs 4 Kids appointment or to purchase stars.